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Flight To Heaven

What Does a Retreat Mean to You?

Respite. Quiet. Getaway. Vacation. What does a retreat mean to you? I have found the break in routine to be rejuvenating to relationships, as well as in recuperation.

Remember that day when Jesus fed the five thousand? Mark 6:31-32 says that Jesus and His disciples had been so busy that they hadn’t even had time to eat. They were actually on their way to find some solitude when they were thrust into the midst of the crowd. But compassion won out over comfort, and they served the spiritual and physical needs of those who had come to see Jesus. The Lord performed a miracle that day; it’s interesting that His provision came from the very thing they lacked. Out of their hunger, they served food to those who came.

Are you feeling depleted? Maybe you have nothing left to give? Out of your weakness, Jesus desires to nurture another. Take this time to write in a journal. Spill those bottled up feelings out where you can look at them objectively. Ask the Lord to show you where He would like to change your mind about servanthood. Jot down the things He impresses upon your heart and then look up verses in your Bible concordance to support those thoughts. Share what you’re learning with someone else. When we keep those insights to ourselves, we’re hiding God’s light under a bushel!

Remember that day we talked about earlier? Mark 6:45 says that after the disciples had collected the leftovers, Jesus immediately made them get into the boat and set sail. He knew how hard they had worked. He knew how tired they were. And Jesus cared for them by removing them from their work.

Are you tired? Is it time to remember that Jesus wants to take care of you? Do your part by scheduling a getaway today. Take your Bible along and read about Jesus’ very busy day in Mark 6. Find out what Jesus did after He sent the disciples along to Bethsaida in Mark 6:46!

Sally Ferguson is a pastor’s wife who knows the need for scheduling time-outs! Find out more about her adventures and sign up for more articles like this at http://www.sallyferguson.net/


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